
Public Transport rankings

Airconditioned clean buses ply in Dubai.

The new airconditioned Bus stops in Dubai.

A double decker BEST bus in Mumbai.

Autorickshaws in Pune.

I find this report very amusing as it ranks Pune above Mumbai which I find very hard to believe.PMPML runs a substandard bus service,the autos play truant and the car traffic does not follow any rules.The buses in Dubai are maintained very well but their frequency is awful.Mumbai's BEST scores on efficiency though their buses are not maintained as well as the ones in Dubai.The dirtiest buses I have seen belong to the PMPML.Looks like they never wash them once they are pushed into service.

A comprehensive transport survey of 30 urban areas in India finds union territory of Chandigarh as the best followed by the national capital of Delhi and country ‘s culture capital Pune. They are closely followed by Madurai and Mumbai while Gangtok, Shimla, Panaji, Bhubaneshwar, Amtrisar and Varanasi are at the bottom of the transport performance index that takes into account 8 parameters like public transport accessibility, service accessibility, congestion, walkability, city bus transport supply, safety, number of slow moving vehicles and availability of road side parking.
Public transport accessibility index, which is the inverse of the average distance to the nearest bus, train or metro station, finds Pune as the best followed by Ahmedabad, Madurai and even Pondicherry. 8 cities (Gangtok, Bikaner, Raipur, Amritsar, Agra, Patna, Varanasi and Surat) score a perfect 0 on this count.
Congestion index, which refers to the average journey speed on major corridors, finds Chandigarh as the best place followed by Agra, Panaji, Madurai and Shimla while Delhi,Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata fare badly.

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