
Another one gone !

The forest department tried to tranquilize the Kaziranga tiger , but with the animal on the attack and hundreds fleeing in panic, it was impossible. Finally, the tiger was shot dead a little after noon. Chief wildlife warden M C Malakar said they were forced to order the shooting as the situation had spun out of control. “The tiger had injured two and killed a villager this morning. It is yet to be ascertained if it was killed by our guards or by police,” said Malakar. “The crowd went wild after Uttam Bora was killed by the tiger. They pushed back forest guards and charged at police when they tried to disperse them. Had it not been shot, the tiger would have been beaten to death,” said Garga Mohan Das of WWF-India, who was part of the tranquilizing team. WTI’s Prasanta Bora, who risked his life to dart the tiger, was hit by a police bullet in the shoulder. Conservationists felt the tiger could have been saved had there been better coordination between forest and civil administration.

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