
Lokpal Bill opinions

Terming the inclusion of the PMO and the higher judiciary within the ambit of the Lokpal as a “mistake’’, ex-Chief Justice of India J S Verma said the move would play “foul with the basic structure of the Constitution’’. He also termed as “undemocratic” Anna Hazare’s threat to go on a hunger strike on August 16 if the government did not introduce a strong Lokpal bill. “Absolutely not... It would be a mistake. It will foul with the basic structure of the Constitution. Judicial review is a basic feature (of the Constitution)... for which an independent judiciary is essential,’’ Verma said when asked whether the higher judiciary should be brought under the ambit of Lokpal. “I don’t think so. In the parliamentary democracy that we have adopted, there the PM is accountable only to Parliament,” Verma said, adding that the country could not have a “lame duck’’ PM as there was no provision of President’s rule at the Centre.
Representatives of Team Anna and the government have perceived more or less a Lokpal who will investigate, prosecute and then change cloaks to stand as jury and judge. This all-rolled-into-one power centre is abhorrent to any democracy, which gets legitimacy from a fair system of justice.

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