
Somewhere in Assam....

Over 1,600 cadres of nine militant outfits of Assam surrendered on Tuesday before Union home minister P Chidambaram and chief minister Tarun Gogoi. A few remnant groups, including Ulfa hardliners led by Paresh Baruah, did not join the peace process. This is the biggest ever surrender of armed rebels. About 201 weapons were deposited by the rebel groups, including five Adivasi, three Kuki and a Hmar outfit. Chidambaram said, “We ask you all to join us in this glorious task of nation building. Not often do we see so many groups, which have taken the path of militancy, returning to the path of peace, reconciliation and brotherhood. We believe all differences can be settled through talks and consultations.” Gogoi appealed to Baruah and his group to join the peace process. In the past couple of years, the government has reached out to several outfits. “We have signed the suspension of operation agreement with Ulfa’s pro-talk faction, we have signed a memorandum of settlement with UPDS and negotiations with the DHD (J) are in the final stages. We expect a memorandum very soon,talks with DHD (N) are progressing well and talks with the NDFB (Progressive) will continue. Talks with the KLNLF are also progressing and the Ranjan Daimary faction of the NDFB has declared unilateral ceasefire,” said Chidambaram. The nine outfits — Kuki Revolutionary Army, United Kukigram Defence Army, Hmar People’s Convention (D), Kuki Liberation Army, Adivasi Cobra Military of Assam, Birsa Commando Force, Santhal Tiger Force, All Adivasi National Liberation Army and Adivasi People’s Army — had earlier declared a ceasefire.

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