
Demand for Bodoland

A conglomerate of 52 organizations has threatened an indefinite blockade of key highways in Assam from January 1, to press for their demand for a separate Bodoland state.
People’s Joint Action Committee for Bodoland Movement (PJACBM) chief convener Jebra Ram Muchahary said their activists will stage demonstrations at different places on national highways 31, 37 and 52 that connect the state with West Bengal and prevent the movement of goods.
The organization is yet to decide whether to stop goods trains as well.
But it has kept passenger buses, private cars, rickshaws, bikes and essential services like health, postal and media vehicles outside the purview of the agitation.
“We learnt that the central government will hold an all-party meeting on December 28 to discuss the Telangana issue. This is sidelining our 46 year movement for separate Bodoland, which is discriminatory and intolerable design to isolate our legitimate demand,” said Muchahary.

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