
IGI clocks 73 flights in an hour

IGI Airport handled a record number of flight movement in one hour on January 24. Between 2 pm and 3 pm, 73 flights landed and took off from the airport. The average number of flights that usually operate from the airport in one hour is 55-60.
“Between 2 and 2.30 pm, the new runway 29/11 and main runway 28/10 were used in mixed mode. Both were handling an equal number of arrivals and departures. From 2.30 pm to 3 pm, all three runways were put in use. The new runway was under mixed mode, handling both arrivals and departures, the main runway was being used for departures and the secondary one for arrivals,” said airport sources.
Air traffic control sources said another six to seven operations could have taken place if only there were more arrivals during that hour. The day saw a total of 814 movements.
The hourly capacity at the airport if two runways are used is 75 while around 85 are easily possible if the three runways are used together. “The reason why we are unable to use the entire capacity is that the traffic is not as much right now. With Kingfisher operations now closed, traffic has fallen significantly. In fact it was down to 760-780 till a few months back,” said airport sources.
Another problem is the shortage of air traffic controllers. “Despite a shortage, the ATCOs have managed to put in extra hours and since June 2012 have been frequently using all three runways. However, they have been pushed beyond their capability and to cater to more traffic, additional ATCOs are required,” said an airport official.

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