
NaMo @ Siachen

Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his Diwali day at Siachen, the world’s highest battlefield, where he lauded the armed forces and promised a national memorial for Indian soldiers. On a day-long visit to Jammu and Kashmir, Modi also announced a slew of measures, including a special package of Rs.745 crore from the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund, for the flood-affected people of the state.
Dressed in woollen battle fatigues, a red scarf and snow goggles at Siachen base camp, the PM promised to enforce a one-rank-one-pension scheme for the armed forces during his tenure.
“It is because of your courage that 125 crore Indians are celebrating a peaceful Diwali in their homes,” said Modi, addressing the troops in Hindi, adding that purpose of his visit was to convey to the soldiers that the nation stands shoulder to shoulder with them.
“We have a peaceful sleep because you are living a tough life on the borders… I am fortunate that as a servant of the nation, I got to see in what circumstances the soldiers have to live here. It is my duty to see that you and your family live in pride.”
The last prime minister to visit Siachen was Manmohan Singh in 2005.
The Siachen conflict between India and Pakistan has claimed more than 2,000 lives on both sides since 1984, with most soldiers falling victim to inhospitable weather and altitude-related illnesses.
The PM also extended Diwali greetings to everyone, including President Pranab Mukherjee, from Siachen. “Perhaps, this is the first time a prime minister has got the wonderful opportunity of spending time with our jawans on this auspicious day... Am sure this would be among the most unique greetings Pranabda received,” Modi tweeted.
Later in the day after announcing the flood relief package in Srinagar, Modi said Rs.570 crore would be provided by the Centre for renovation of houses, Rs.175 crore would be given for start of immediate renovation work of six major hospitals across the state.
The PM told reporters after meeting J&K chief minister Omar Abdullah that he was “seriously considering” a demand made by people whose houses were damaged by the flood waters if the money for their renovation could be directly sent to their bank accounts.
Briefing reporters about the Prime Minister’s visit, Union home secretary Anil Goswami said Modi also announced free replacement of books and notebooks to all the children up to primary and upper primary schools.

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