

The vision document for the smart city project in Pune has been made available for citizens. People can give their suggestions and objections about the document.
The administration will submit the report to the government in the second week of December. The document has been uploaded on the website http:www.punesmartcity .in The report will be available on social media platforms both Twitter and Facebook. The work to draft this document started 90 days ago. People can share their views via WhatsApp on 9689900003. The option to give a missed call on 9767300111 is also available.
“People will be able to get the gist of this document on the website. Their suggestions and objections will be considered before a final draft is sent to the Union government,“ municipal commissioner Kunal Kumar told reporters. Kumar said the civic administration has planned initiative likes `urban innova tion lab' to find answers to key problems. The final 20 cities may receive funds by the end of this year.
The government will give them Rs.200 crore in the first year followed by Rs.100 crore each year for the next four years. Other cities that do not make it to the final list will be asked to show improvement in the identified areas before they can participate in the next two rounds of the competition.
Pune has been listed among 98 cities selected by the Union government for development under the Smart Cities Mission. As a pre-condition, Pune will have to prepare a city-level plan of its own, which will be evaluated in the second stage of the competition based on a broad set of criteria. At the end, the Union government will select 20 cities that will receive funds for this financial year.
Poor traffic and transport facilities have emerged as the biggest hurdles. Garbage disposal, water and sewage were other key issues that the administration has to solve.

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