
Zero bag fares

Aviation regulator Directorate General Of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has now allowed domestic carriers to roll out “zero bag“ fares and charge penalty against check-in baggage for tickets booked under such an offer.
At present all domestic private airlines except national carrier Air India allow a flyer to carry up to 15 kgs of check-in baggage without any cost. Air India allows its passengers to carry up to 23 kgs of check-in baggage free of cost.
“Airlines are allowed to offer no check-in baggage / hand baggage only fare scheme subject to the condition that the penalty to be imposed on a passenger, who avails such schemes but turns up with baggage for check-in at airline counter, cannot exceed the amount of incentive offered compared to lowest fare,“ DGCA said in its updated Air Transport Circular for unbundling of services.
Reacting to the development, budget carrier Spice Jet, which had first rolled out such a scheme in June this year, said regulator's move is in line with the changing trends in the industry.
“We welcome this customer and environment friendly move, which is in line with the changing trends in the industry ,“ SpiceJet's head of administration and accountable manager G P Gupta said.In June this year, SpiceJet had rolled out a scheme, offering a discount of Rs.200 to every passenger who books a flight with only one handbag and no check-in baggage.
Three domestic carriers -IndiGo, SpiceJet and AirAsia India -had earlier approached the regulator with the “zero bag fare“, offering discount on no checkin luggage. 

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