
Punjab Congress ropes in Prashant Kishor for state polls

The Congress has roped in Bihar chief minister's political strategist and adviser Prashant Kishor to help it in the Punjab state assembly elections. Punjab Congress president Captain Amarinder Singh disclosed on Saturday that AICC has given its approval for Kishor to assist its Punjab unit in the assembly elections in 2017.
Kishor had recently met Singh on his visit to Chandigarh to get a sense of the political scene in the region. In line with Kishor's style, Singh had recently confirmed that the social media cell of the party is being set up. The 2017 assembly elections will see a triangular fight between SAD-BJP, Congress and AAP with stakes high for all parties. After contesting the last Lok Sabha elections in 2014 when it got four seats, AAP plans to fight on all 117 assembly seats.
Kishor's group in the past had 15 chapters with more than a thousand full-time members and over one lakh volunteers.

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