
West goes...It's Bengal

The Mamata Banerjee government on Monday asked the Centre to fast-track the proposal to rechristen the state as Bengal (in English) and Bangla (in Bengali and Hindi). This comes after the government pushed through the name-change resolution in the assembly by a 189-31 majority .
Minutes after the passage of the government-sponsored resolution, the chief minister spoke to Union home minister Rajnath Singh and urged him to introduce a constitutional amendment at the earliest.
The road ahead could be treacherous as the BJP and Left voted against the resolution on Monday and Congress staged a walkout. “I will request the central government to pursue the matter so that it can be placed in Parliament. We want it to be done as early as possible,“ Banerjee said. She also criticised state BJP president and MLA Dilip Ghosh for saying he would not allow the bill to be passed. “I will see how he (Ghosh) can stop it. I will speak to the Union home minister. Who is he to stop it?“ Banerjee thundered.

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