
Indo-Israel missile tested successfully

The long-range surface-to-air missile (LRSAM) system, developed by DRDO and Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) with an interception range of 70 km, was finally tested for the first time on Monday after a long delay .
The defence ministry said the LR-SAM's “hot test“ against a flying target was “successfully“ conducted in Israel in the presence of DRDO chief Avinash Chander, IAI president Joseph Weiss and top Israel Defence Force officials. “All systems, including that of radar, communication launch and missile, hit the target directly . The system is being developed for Indian and Israeli armed forces,“ said an official. Israel is one of the largest defence suppliers to India, notching sales worth around $1 billion every year.
But the delay in the around Rs.13,000 crore development of two advanced SAM systems has meant that new warships like aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya and indigenous destroyer INS Kolkata remained naked in terms of having an effective missile defence shield.

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