With the monsoon having withdrawn from most parts of India and on the way out from some, the Met department has said that rainfall this season has been 88% of the long period average (LPA) or 50-year average. The India Meteorological Department (IMD), in its final weekly report, the country's LPA was expected to be 87% (+ or 4%) for 2014.
India's rainfall for July and August was 90% and 91% of the LPA as against the predicted 93% and 96% (+ or 9%). Meanwhile, central India, which includes Maharashtra, and south peninsula are the two regions with least rainfall deficit in the country. Central India has ended up with a 10% deficit, while south peninsula has 7% rainfall deficiency as compared to normal. Haryana,Chandigarh, Delhi, Punjab and west UP received deficient rainfall by more the 50% of the LPA, the report said.
Cumulative rainfall this monsoon has been 12% below the LPA.
Of the 36 meteorological subdivisions, rainfall has been surplus over one -south interior Karnataka -normal over 23 subdivisions and deficient over 12 subdivisions. The report said 3% area of the country received excess rainfall, 67% normal and 30 % deficient rainfall during the monsoon.
India's rainfall for July and August was 90% and 91% of the LPA as against the predicted 93% and 96% (+ or 9%). Meanwhile, central India, which includes Maharashtra, and south peninsula are the two regions with least rainfall deficit in the country. Central India has ended up with a 10% deficit, while south peninsula has 7% rainfall deficiency as compared to normal. Haryana,Chandigarh, Delhi, Punjab and west UP received deficient rainfall by more the 50% of the LPA, the report said.
Cumulative rainfall this monsoon has been 12% below the LPA.
Of the 36 meteorological subdivisions, rainfall has been surplus over one -south interior Karnataka -normal over 23 subdivisions and deficient over 12 subdivisions. The report said 3% area of the country received excess rainfall, 67% normal and 30 % deficient rainfall during the monsoon.
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