
AP to link Aadhar to 21 services

Andhra Pradesh residents who are yet to get their Aadhaar cards will now be forced to do so as the TDP government has decided to link the same to 21 service-oriented areas. Chief minister Chandrababu Naidu had stated a few days ago that Aadhaar card would be mandatory for obtaining various services in the residuary state. The TDP government is in the process of formulating a state Aadhaar policy, said to be the first-of-its-kind in the country.
As per the policy, as many as 21 service-related areas will be linked to Aadhaar. Areas that will come under the purview of Aadhaar are civil supplies, Aarogyasri, rural development, pensions, national rural employment guarantee scheme (NREGA), SHG books and records, housing, LPG, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, power discoms, micro irrigation, civil registration system-unified births and deaths, RTA, revenue, municipal property tax, social welfare (post-metric, pre-metric, hostels), commercial tax, animal husbandry, Mee Seva and CM Office (grievances, relief funds, disaster management and loan wavier).
This would mean that property tax, other state taxes, power bill and land registration will be linked to Aadhaar. According to authorities, nearly 90% of the 4.8 crore AP population are covered by Aadhaar.The key objective of the proposed Aadhaar policy is to eliminate ineligible candidates from getting benefits of government welfare schemes.
Data from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and beneficiary basic data from all departments will be stored in the AP State Resident Data Hub (APSRDH). Through this, the departments will have access to beneficiary data based on Aadhaar number.
The new policy also outlines that APSRDH framework will have a “data cleansing and purification process“, which cleanses departmental databases by formatting and identifying duplicates. To ensure this, APSRDH will use demographic verification, biometric authentication and e-KYC systems to authenticate an Aadhaar number to a citizen. Sources said till date, the Aadhaar-linkage of four departments, civil supplies, LPG, social welfare and housing has been completed.

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