
Parliament House' story

Parliament house originally known as Council House 
Planned initially as a part of Rashtrapati Bhavan 
In 1919, under Montague-Chelmsford reforms, designed as Indian parliament 
Designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker 
Various designs planned – from triangular to a Roman colesseum-like 
This paved way for its present circular design 
It has more than 200 pillars and 560-foot diameter 
Foundation stone laid on February 12, 1921 
By Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria 
Spread over six acres 
It is 36 metres in height 
It took 6 years to build 
Lok Sabha Chamber has a floor area of 446 sqm 
Black marble used in columns of chambers of the two houses came from Gaya 
White hued marble lining walls of Library Hall from Makrana 
Teak and other wooden material for doors came from Assam and Burma 
Rosewood brought from South India

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