
Advani slams attacks on Christians

BJP leader L K Advani condemned the ongoing attacks on Christians and churches in Orissa and Karnataka. “I strongly condemn such acts of violence and vandalism. It cannot be justified. The law must take its course and the culprits be brought to justice,” he told newspersons here adding he was “very much a secular man”. Earlier in the day in Shillong, Advani pledged to ask the BJPruled states that there must be no more attacks on Christians. The BJP’s PM candidate assured this to the Archbishop of Shillong, Dominic Jala, during a meeting with Christian leaders. “Advani promised us he would persuade the BJP-ruled states to stop the violence against Christians,” the Archbishop, Jala, said after his meeting with Advani in Shillong. “Given the record of attacks on Christians in states ruled by the BJP, we express doubts for our future if our country is governed by such a party again. Will Christians ever feel secure and safe in their home land?”a memorandum to Advani asked

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