
Banas Dairy tops Asia in milk production

Banaskantha District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union (popularly known as Banas Dairy) claims to have achieved the distinction of being the number one co-operative dairy in Asia for highest daily milk production. Addressing a meeting , chairman, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) and Banas Dairy, Palanpur, Parthibai Bhatol said, “Our management has been observing total milk production at the dairy since September 1. After an observation of 20 days, it was found that Banas Dairy’s daily milk production was 19,13,000 litres which was 7 lakh litres more than its production in the corresponding period last year and the highest in the state and even in Asia. The daily milk production is 1 to 1.25 lakh litres more than any other co-operative dairy in Gujarat, he claimed.“The work to build BDCMPU’s third unit is on. On being operational, the third unit, being built at a cost of Rs 120 crore, will produce an additional 10 lakh litres of milk a day,” said BDCMPU managing director Sangram Singh Chaudhari.Some 1,400 milk producing societies are members of BDCMPU whose annual turnover is of Rs 1,150 crores. The foundation stone for the third unit was laid by Chief Minister Narendra Modi in August. He said BDCMPU provided employment opportunities to over three lakh people in the district.

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