
BJP's take on the Nuke Deal

The dilemma before the BJP in the wake of the approval of the Indo-US nuclear deal by the US Senate was evident when it stopped short of its earlier demand of “renegotiation of the deal” even as it lambasted the UPA Government for “compromising the nation’s sovereignty”.
In line with speeches made by its prime ministerial candidate LK Advani and president Rajnath Singh at the recently concluded party national executive in Bangalore, the BJP argued that the deal “might have been a victory for the UPA but a colossal loss for India”.“The deal is tantamount to India acceding to the NPA regime. It appears as if all obligations are squarely placed on India while all privileges have been heaped towards the NSG. The sovereignty of the nation has been mortgaged in perpetuity and the PM has led the nation into a blind trap. The country will have to pay heavily for the intransigency of the PM,” said the statement issued by party spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy.“The unambiguous and conclusive remarks by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that any nuclear test by India will have serious consequences, including the automatic termination of all cooperation coupled with imposition of numerous sanctions,clearly vindicates the BJP position that India has abrogated all its rights to conduct any nuclear test forever,” he added. After some persistent questioning by the media,Rudy said his party would “consider the option of renegotiating the deal at an opportune time”. Both Advani and Rajnath have avoided using this line in recent weeks, even as they have argued that “the Manmohan Singh Government had played a big fraud on the country”.

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