
Snapshotz: Condoleezza Rice's last visit to Delhi

To make Rice’s last visit a little more memorable, PM Manmohan Singh invited her over for dinner, an honour normally reserved for heads of government. It was Singh’s way of thanking Rice for all the powerlifting she had done for the deal, especially before the NSG and US Congress approvals.Mukherjee will probably have to travel to the US to sign the document once the presidential signature is attested. At a joint press conference, he said, “The process will be complete after the signing by the (US) President (of the legislation into law). And we will be in a position to sign (the 123 agreement) after the process is complete.’’ Rice,too,spoke along similar lines. “Let me be clear, the 123 deal is done. It is a matter of signing. We don’t have open issues. We have administrative matters of signing the agreement.’’ She added, “The President is looking forward to signing it soon.’’ She added, “The Hyde Act is completely consistent with the 123 agreement...the 123 agreement is consistent with the Hyde Act. The US will keep its commitments to both.’’ Pranab all praise for Condoleezza at a lunch for her. “No US secretary of state has done more for this relationship than you have. You conceptualised it even before taking office and have seen your ideas implemented. This is a rare achievement in practical politics...This wouldn’t have been possible without the commitment of President Bush and your efforts. We look forward to cooperating with the US in signing and bringing the 123 pact into effect and moving on to the commercial arrangements,’’ he said. In the normal course, the deal could have gone through without the amendments that are a concern for India. But the long delay by India meant everyone else had to jump through hoops to clear it in record time.
India got its civil nuclear deal with the US despite its strategic nuclear programmes because it is "sui generis" - Latin for "of its own kind" - so suggests US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
"I think India is really sui generis. It is a state that has had - really, very good proliferation record," she told reporters on her way to New Delhi when asked if the India deal would in any sense serve as a model for other countries seeking a similar deal."Obviously, it posed some challenges because of its strategic nuclear programmes," she said, but believed that the approval of the deal by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), and ultimately, the Congress, was a recognition of what the nuclear watchdog agency's head had said.Rice cited IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei as saying that "bringing India and Indian civil nuclear programmes and facilities and their future into the IAEA framework is a win for the proliferation regime as a whole.""I think India is, in many ways, sui generis in that regard," she added.

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