
India's Spaceplane test

India's first reusable launch vehicle (RLV) or spaceplane will see it's first test launch from Sriharikota on May 23 at 9.30 am. An Isro official said that the mission readiness review gave the go ahead for the technology demonstration flight on Tuesday . He added that the final preparations for the much-awaited launch will kick off on Thursday night.
The 1.7-metric tonne, 6.5metre-long spaceplane will initially be carried by a special booster up to a certain point, where it will separate. After this, it will fly to a height of 70 km, zoom back to earth and splash down in the Bay of Bengal.
Emphasizing that the forthcoming mission was just a “baby step“ in the development of the reusable launch vehicle technology , the official said, “The total flight time from launch to splashdown is about 10 minutes.'' An official Isro document described the mission as “the first step towards a fully reusable launch vehicle for low cost access to space.“

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