
The Bomb Blasts are Back ! This time,it's Delhi

A Black Saturday...
Five serial blasts in New Delhi killed 22 people and injured 130 others on Saturday.The blasts occurred in prime commercial areas. Four other bombs were defused by police later in the evening. The first blast took place at 6.15 pm in Ghaffar market in central Delhi’s Karol Bagh. The second took place at a busy bus shelter at Barakhamba Road with the third reported from nearby Central Park near the Rajiv Chowk metro station. The fourth and fifth blasts took place at the upmarket M-Block market in Greater Kailash I.The blasts were a chilling reminder of another Saturday nearly three years ago when three blasts shattered the city’s peace on October 29, 2005.
A nationwide alert has been sounded even as security was tightened in the capital. An e-mail purportedly sent by Indian Mujahideen to news channels said: “Within 5 minutes from now…this time with the Message of Death, dreadfully terrorising you for your sins, and thus our promise will be fulfilled.” The same group had claimed responsibility for the serial blasts in Ahmedabad and Jaipur. The e-mail was traced to Mumbai’s north-eastern suburbs through the internet protocol address and the Anti-Terrorist Squad is trying to zero in on the source. The e-mail added the commercial capital would be the next target.
Maharashtra CM Vilasrao Deshmukh directed officials to put the city on maximum alert for a peaceful Ganesh immersion on Sunday. It may be recalled that the threat e-mail received before the Ahmedabad blasts also originated from Mumbai. The serial blasts in Jaipur, Bengalaru, Ahmedabad and Delhi clearly shows that the Indian Mujahideen (IM) has “learnt terror techniques and lessons” from Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda in terms of planning and execution, a leading security expert said.
The terror group – Indian Mujahideen, which is an offshoot of Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), have chosen the similar timing for the blasts – and are now using the “art of deception” to confuse police and intelligence agencies.
A few years ago, the al Qaeda network used to trigger blasts in vehicles in Iraq, but now a days they are placing bombs directly in public places to avoid suspicion, says Col M P Choudhary, leading anti-terror expert, who raised India’s first anti-hijack squad, which has now taken shape of National Security Guard.
In Iraq, they kept a grenade inside a coke tin. “In another case, a w35 kg explosive was kept in road. It looked like an explosive, and police were informed. When a team of Americans came for inspection, it was triggered through a remotely held device,” Col Choudhary said.He said that a similar technique was used in Ahmedabad, blasts. “It is a form of deception,” he said.
It is clear now that “highexplosive” “car bombs” are not being used and rather the terrorist groups are now using placing “low explosives” on cycles, tiffin boxes or garbage bins. This also proves that “local elements” are more involved in such acts of terror – though they get outside support from across-the-border elements.
On the other hand, he pointed out that the standard operating procedures of the Indian police is not upto the mark.

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