
China's attitude towards India

There is no case for India trying to build bridges with China, except that it is our neighbour and that we, as a people, have for millennia believed in good relations with our neighbours.Unfortunately, China does not seem to think so: It waged a war against us in 1962, it regularly insulted the founding fathers of our republic (remember Mao’s barb: Nehru and Gandhi as the running dogs of imperialism), it continues to supply nuclear weapons to Pakistan and, of course, obstruct India at all international fora.What matters is that if India does become a counterweight to China, it will continues to have autonomy in making strategic decisions—friendly and offensive—against that country.
China must take a look at it's attitude towards India.It should be a live and let live policy.India and China can peacefully co-exist but I do doubt whether it will ever be Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai again.Both the countries need to try to be friends.

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