The government blocked access to 43 more mobile applications for being ‘prejudicial to the sovereignty, integrity and defence of the nation’.
Most of these apps are said to have Chinese links, including four from China’s retail giant, the Alibaba Group - Alibaba Workbench, AliExpress, Alipay Cashier, and AliSuppliers.
The Ministry of Electronics and IT has issued the order for blocking the access of these apps by users in India based on the comprehensive reports received from Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs, an official release said.
Earlier on June 29, the government had blocked access to 59 mobile apps and on September 2, another 118 apps were banned under section 69A of the Information Technology Act. Big among these were TikTok and PUBG mobile apps.
“Government of India today issued an order under section 69A of the Information Technology Act blocking access to 43 mobile apps. This action was taken based on the inputs regarding these apps for engaging in activities which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order,” the release said.
The blocked apps also include CamCard, WeDate, Chinese Social, Date in Asia, Adore App, TrulyChinese, TrulyAsian, ChinaLove, Tubit and WeWorkChina, among others.
The border feud between India and China reached its flashpoint after 20 Indian soldiers were killed during deadly clashes with PLA troops in eastern Ladakh’s Galwan Valley in June. And although the two sides have held multiple high-level talks to draw up an agreement to disengage from disputed areas, no consensus has been successfully reached yet.
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