
BJP's Vision Document for Delhi

BJP released it's `vision document' which incorporates old promises, recent central government announcements and its CM candidate Kiran Bedi's `blueprint' that she tweeted with the hashtag #KiransBlueprint last week.
The 24-page document lists 37 key areas, of which nine will be addressed first if BJP comes to power. Bedi said, “Women's safety, youth affairs, power and water, housing, civic infrastructure and transport, cleanliness and health, trade, education and skill development, jobs and environment top the agenda. All nine rank number one on my priority list“.
Bedi's stamp is evident on the document, as 10 of the 25 points from her agenda have been incorporated. The last page of the document mentions her six S's (Surakshit, Swachh, Saakshar, Saksham, Sanskari and Sab ki Dilli) for the capital.
Bedi released the document at an event where Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay , state in-charge Prabhat Jha, and Union ministers Anant Kumar, Nirmala Sitharaman and Harsh Vardhan were also present. However, they refused to answer any questions on the document. Controversially , the document refers to people from the Northeast as “immigrants“ and does not mention the demand for full statehood.
BJP has listed projects and welfare schemes the Narendra Modi-led Centre has planned for the city . Apart from women's safety , there's a detailed plan for upgrading the city's transport and road infrastructure. It promises scrapping of BRT, Metro connectivity in rural areas, construction of third Ring Road, development of Eastern and Western expressways, more footbridges and interlinking of transport services, among other things.
With AAP trying to woo traders, minorities and scheduled castes, BJP has announced several schemes for them. For traders, it promises accidental insurance cover, suspension of T2 form (submitted when goods are bought from other states) for two years followed by its discontinuation, freehold conversion of industrial plots, simplified VAT payment and a constitution of Special Trade Board--all longstanding demands of traders.
In the education sector, BJP has promised 85% reservation for Delhiites in city colleges and strengthening of Right to Education. For the poor, it has reiterated its old stand of providing housing, regularization of unauthorized colonies, regular water supply and upgrading of sports infrastructure.
The document states new departments and boards will be set up to streamline the government's functioning. It plans to set up a department of public security which will look into food security , an accountability commission to ensure proper utilization of public funds, Madrasa Board, Delhi Financial Corporation that will grant loans to women entrepreneurs, Delhi Yamuna Development Tribunal for cleaning the river.

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