
Miles to go before we sleep

By Arun Jaitley, Union Finance Minister on 25 years of reforms....

The initial years after Independence saw India suffer from the inadequacy of resources. However, the 1970s and the 1980s were the decades we could have opened out. That did not happen. Indians had learnt to live with inadequacies and shortages. The country awaited the higher growth rates, unleashing of energies, sharper poverty declines and greater global integration. Eventually, the process started in 1991.

Three factors came together, all of which were important.
The international dimension: The economic performance of China which had embraced globalisation and reforms. Before China's globalisation Indian Leftists could dismiss performance of Singapore, Korea and Taiwan as not having relevance for India because they were small and not difficult to govern. But China's experience changed that. The Indian Left elite was exposed: if China could reform and deliver why not India?
The domestic dimension: India was looking less good in all international comparisons even in terms of poverty reduction and social indicators. And the limited reforms of the 1980s under Rajiv Gandhi gave India a sense of what could be possible with more reforms. Also, the success of a few companies started giving a sense that India could compete internationally .
The immediate: The crisis of 1991 was of course critical. Without the crisis, major reforms could not have been undertaken because of the opposition from vested interests. At one point, when some reform was being opposed, Narasimha Rao was reported to have retorted: “Do you have any alternative?“

India is unrecognisably different today than 25 years ago, and almost always for the better.Poverty has come down, standards of living have shot up, financial markets have become more developed, and the country is more open to capital flows and investments. These have led to increased opportunities for all.
What decades of state hand-outs could not accomplish for the backward communities, economic opportunities have. Caste barriers are eroding and today we can speak of Dalit entrepreneurship in a way that would have been unimaginable decades ago and in a way that would have pleased Dr Ambedkar. The geographical spread of opportunities and the increase in migration have contributed to nation-building.
The economy is more resilient now. India has averted major economic disruptions, both during the Asian crisis in the late 1990s and during the `Great Recession' during the end of the past decade.
Our firms both in manufacturing and especially services have become more confident and have established a global presence.
Think of the change that has come about in India's national pastime: cricket. We are now at the centre in terms of the quality but more significantly in terms of running cricket and the economics of international cricket. For the English and Australians, touring India was not always treated with enthusiasm. Today , India, to a significant extent, determines their economic fortune.India's soft power, be it via cricket or Bollywood, has helped us to emerge as a key global player.

The reform process, however, has had glaring deficiencies and is far from complete.Jobs have not kept up pace with economic growth, manufacturing has not emerged as a vibrant sector as in many East Asian economic successes, and economic inequality remains a challenge. Experience has shown that institutional checks and balances were not strong enough to root out corruption in relation to major public assets such as spectrum, coal, and land.
The present government recognises these challenges and has addressed each of these.
Also, even as we have liberalised and opened up significantly , we still have an exit problem. The Economic Survey 2015-16 argues that entry without exit has probably met its limit. In almost every sector of the economy , the lack of exit paths is creating huge economic, political and fiscal costs.The blocked exit from bad infrastructure projects has partly swallowed the balance sheets of banks and is holding up private investment. India has a lot of inefficient firms which do not exit, and firms with potential do not grow big enough over time. That is why the bankruptcy code is so important.
Decision-making has become difficult because of the power of the unelected institutions. Good and honest bureaucrats are incapacitated because of the fear that their decisions, taken in good faith, will be questioned. And these institutions have ventured into economic and social policy in ways that are not always desirable or optimal.
Even if poverty has come down, there is still a lot that needs to be done for the poor and for farmers. They need better schools for their children, better health, and more social protection. No government can afford to ignore these very real demands. Expanding the pie while also directing more resources for the poor and vulnerable will remain an ongoing challenge. Increasing agricultural productivity will also be important.
The state will continue to play an important role in the economy: in helping the poor; in investing in public infrastructure; in providing social protection; and in regulating various sectors. But it has to perform these tasks better and there must be both confidence and trust in government to decide and to do so without corruption or favours granted to a few. Minimum government, maximum governance has to be achieved step-by-step.
Another challenge is the changing world environment: With Brexit and its fallout in Europe, with greater polarisation in American politics, India's external economic opportunities might face new barriers.
The present-day polity has to work to balance new trends, competing forces, and contending interests, and still stay on the path of `steady reforms' -continuous changes even if in small steps -that is crucial to drive the larger reforms agenda forward.

India is decentralising. This is a powerful agent of change because of competition between states. States that are better governed and better deliver essential services, attract more investment and talent. India will gain from “competitive federalism“.
Technology: It offers great promise in transforming the economy and its effects can already be felt. The best example is JAM: we can bring the poor into the financial net and make them feel less excluded; we can provide direct transfers more efficiently and with less leakage.
The biggest change possibly is psychological: the rise in aspirations, the feeling that tomorrow must and will be significantly better than yesterday and today . And this sense is a powerful agent of change and hope.Governments must meet these aspirations or face the consequences.
We have come a long way since 1991 but we have “miles to go before we sleep“.

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