
Dalai Talks of Asian Union

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama said border stand off between India and China is nothing serious.
Dalai is on a three-day visit to Manipur to participate in the International Peace Conference. In April this year, he was on a 12 day visit to Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. His visit was opposed by China.

Dalai said: “India and China are great nations, none have the ability to defeat the other, both have to live beside each other, in border areas (there is) some problem, but I do not think this will ever become anything serious“. Advocating Hindi-Chini bhai bhai (India China brother), he said European nations have seen devastating conflict prior to World War II.

He hoped to see an Asian Union, comprising India, Japan and China, some day. “I am an admirer of European Union, African Union and Malaysia Union. I dream of an Asian Union with India, Japan and China as members“.

On Rohangiyas, he said different religious faith are causing violence. Buddhism versus Muslim in Burma, this is really unfortunate and religious harmony is essential.

He said: “Each follower of different religion has to follow his/her faith and propagate it. I am a Buddhist but I never try to propagate Buddhism. Historically, India has been a multi-religion nation... no one religious group must have sole right to propagate, that's wrong.“

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