The government will invest Rs.10,000 crore in 10 public higher education institutions with a mission to make them “world class.“ The investment will be done over a period of five years, which is over and above the regular grants. These will be part of the “20 Institutions of Eminence“ (10 government-run and 10 private higher education institutions) with a vision to have these institutions among the top 100 institutions globally.
These institutions will have complete autonomy and no interference from the government or any regulatory authorities.
The ministry of human resource development will set up a six-member empowered committee of eminent personalities which will identify the 20 institutions. The process of identification will be completed by April 2018. The search-cum-selection committee for the empowered committee will comprise the cabinet secretary, higher education secretary and the chairperson of the University Grants Commission.
The plan is to have a “good mix“ of IITs, IIMs, IISERs and other top universities in this league of 20 higher education institutions.
The institutions of eminence will have complete administrative and academic autonomy. The empowered committee will select the 20 institutions.
These institutions will have complete autonomy and no interference from the government or any regulatory authorities.
The ministry of human resource development will set up a six-member empowered committee of eminent personalities which will identify the 20 institutions. The process of identification will be completed by April 2018. The search-cum-selection committee for the empowered committee will comprise the cabinet secretary, higher education secretary and the chairperson of the University Grants Commission.
The plan is to have a “good mix“ of IITs, IIMs, IISERs and other top universities in this league of 20 higher education institutions.
The institutions of eminence will have complete administrative and academic autonomy. The empowered committee will select the 20 institutions.
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