Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis has written to chief election commissioner Sunil Arora giving his view on the idea of linking Aadhaar cards to voter IDs. The letter, written last week, says that if this linkage comes through, it will bring in transparency in the election process.
The letter says that such a decision may have multiple benefits besides cleaning up electoral rolls and preventing bogus voting. Fadnavis says that if Aadhaar details are available in the electoral roll and conversely voter/ electoral roll details are available in Aadhaar, then shifting and duplication of voters can be detected and addressed immediately during the electoral roll purification process. He also said that the move will make biometric identification of voters possible and can replace the use of indelible ink. This will lead to zero errors in the identification of voters, his letter says. It will also help save time and manpower.
Fadnavis said this linkage will help prevent bogus voting and ensure that there is proper identification of voters, especially in the border districts. Aadhaar will identify illegal movements, preventing bogus voting.
The letter says that such a decision may have multiple benefits besides cleaning up electoral rolls and preventing bogus voting. Fadnavis says that if Aadhaar details are available in the electoral roll and conversely voter/ electoral roll details are available in Aadhaar, then shifting and duplication of voters can be detected and addressed immediately during the electoral roll purification process. He also said that the move will make biometric identification of voters possible and can replace the use of indelible ink. This will lead to zero errors in the identification of voters, his letter says. It will also help save time and manpower.
Fadnavis said this linkage will help prevent bogus voting and ensure that there is proper identification of voters, especially in the border districts. Aadhaar will identify illegal movements, preventing bogus voting.
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