
Indians consume average of 11 GB data per month

Video consumption using 4G mobile technology drove data traffic in India last year, with an average 70 minutes a day spent on over-the-top platforms on phones. Monthly data usage also grew to 11.7 GB a month from 10 GB in 2018.

The Mobile Broadband India Traffic Report from Nokia said that 2019 saw a 47% year-on-year increase in data traffic, 96% of which was constituted by 4G, up from 92% in 2018. Most telecom operators have switched off their 3G networks in big cities and the consequential impact saw 3G connections witnessing the highest-ever decline of 30% during 2019. In 2018, a mere 1% subscribers surrendered 3G connections.

Total data traffic grew by 44 times in 4 years and 2019 saw overall data subscribers grow to 600 million, the report added. The 4G device base grew in parallel by 1.5x, driven by the launch of a variety of models by brands’ aggressive pricing. Despite the growth registered, broadband penetration in India is at around 47%, which is significantly lower compared to China at 95%, and other European nations at 95-115%.

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